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What is the best way to prepare yourself for entrepreneurship?

Read Josh Fechter's answer to What is the best way to prepare yourself for entrepreneurship? on Quora

I’m a 26-year-old co-founder and CEO of a multi-million-dollar company.
Here’s the part you don’t see -
This was my twelfth try at startup success.
I worked for eight startups that failed.
And three that did okay.
That’s brutal odds.
The reason I’m more successful today is simple: practice:
Over and over again.
I practiced every day for five years being a better entrepreneur.
That meant I had to learn all of this:
  • How to make sales
  • Find a co-founder
  • Hire employees
  • Fire employees
  • Market my company
  • Work with a lawyer
  • Work with a CFO
  • Create a service customers love
  • Price services
  • Understand business analytics
  • Motivate employees
  • Create a community
That’s a ton of lessons.
That’s why it can take a long time to found a successful company.
Here’s the twist: Every learning lesson above requires you to practice entrepreneurship.
So if you want to know the best way to prepare yourself -
Jump right in.
the original post owner:

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